LMI Institute Participates in NASWA LMI Committee Strategic Planning
November 6, 2014Ken Poole and Ron Kelly attended the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) Labor Market Information (LMI) Committee strategic planning session at the invitation of its Chair, Alexandra Hall, LMI Director in Colorado. They served as facilitators to assist committee members translate a SWOT analysis into action items, establish timeframes for those action items and then prioritize which action items to include in 1-, 2- and 5-year plans for the committee.
The Labor Market Information (LMI) Institute is the pre-eminent resource for supporting the development, interpretation, and use of labor market information. The LMI Institute supports and promotes the production and use of high-quality workforce and employment information.
The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) was founded in the depths of the Great Depression, in the early years of unemployment insurance and employment service programs. It is an organization of state administrators of unemployment insurance laws, employment services, training programs, employment statistics and labor market information. Throughout its more than 75-year history, NASWA has strengthened the workforce system through information exchange, liaison, and advocacy.