CREC Travels to Lakeshore, Wisconsin
January 30, 2015CREC Senior Vice President, Marty Romitti, and partner, Entreworks Consulting, traveled to Mantiwoc, Kewanuee, Calumet, Sheboygan, and Door counties in Eastern Wisconsin to kickoff a new project to create value chains for several key industries in the region’s manufacturing sector. The visit included focus group conversations, interviews, and plant tours to help identify growth opportunities & challenge areas.
The Lakeshore region which encompasses Mantiwoc, Kewanuee, Calumet, Sheboygan, and Door counties, is one of the nation’s most manufacturing intensive.
Value chains describe which industries purchase from which other industries. These value chain patterns can help to narrow policy makers’ attention to a few key “driver industries” representing the core of important industry clusters within the regional economy.