Build & Grow Relationships

The best policies are based on data-driven research, using engaged, diverse stakeholders and by fostering thought that motivates people to think regionally. It is a process that CREC has done successfully since 2009, and it has helped expand our client base and grow communities. Clients vary from single municipalities and private-sector firms:

• Cities • Think tanks
• States • National organizations

Client Profile

Centralina Regional Council

Established in 1968, Centralina Regional Council (Centralina) was created to serve the needs of our nine-county region, which includes Anson, Cabarrus, Gaston, Lincoln, Iredell, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly and Union counties. We are governed by a Board of Delegates, comprised of our member governments, and are one of 16 North Carolina regional councils (Centralina is referred to as Region F) authorized by the General Assembly. Regional Councils are public organizations that address regional issues and opportunities by offering a variety of planning, coordination, program management, advocacy and technical assistance services. These services are provided by our departments and affiliates.

Our regional framework offers a neutral platform where local governments from all nine counties can come together and shape area-wide planning. As a champion for the entire region, Centralina looks at creating holistic solutions that benefit communities of all sizes and strengthen our region’s competitive advantage on the national and international stage. To carry out our mission, we work among the regional, community and individual levels.


Project Catalogue

Analyzing the Supply Chain and Value System of Charlotte Manfacturing
Start Date: Nov 2014 — End Date: Feb 2015

CREC identified industry value chains for the region’s targeted manufacturing industries, explored the components of several major clusters, determined which industries were are connected to one another within the clusters and the nature of their relationship.