Build & Grow Relationships

The best policies are based on data-driven research, using engaged, diverse stakeholders and by fostering thought that motivates people to think regionally. It is a process that CREC has done successfully since 2009, and it has helped expand our client base and grow communities. Clients vary from single municipalities and private-sector firms:

• Cities • Think tanks
• States • National organizations

Client Profile

Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center

The DVIRC is an economic development organization established in 1988. We focus exclusively on the region’s manufacturing community to grow business value by providing direct services in three key areas:


Project Catalogue

Manufacturing USA Access Project, 2017
Start Date: Jul 2017 — End Date: Apr 2018

CREC provided advice and counsel to DVIRC in support of its Defense Industry Adjustment project.  DVIRC sought to create a collaboration model between DVIRC and the Manufacturing USA Institutes that would connect DoD small to medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) to the technology and expertise in Institutes, assuming the presence of Institute satellite facilities in the Philadelphia […]