Build & Grow Relationships

The best policies are based on data-driven research, using engaged, diverse stakeholders and by fostering thought that motivates people to think regionally. It is a process that CREC has done successfully since 2009, and it has helped expand our client base and grow communities. Clients vary from single municipalities and private-sector firms:

• Cities • Think tanks
• States • National organizations

Client Profile

MIT Work of the Future

The remarkable progression of innovations that imbue machines with human and superhuman capabilities is generating significant uncertainty and deep anxiety about the future of work. Whether and how our current period of technological disruption differs from prior industrial epochs is a source of vigorous debate. But there is no question that we face an urgent sense of collective concern about how to harness these technological innovations for social benefit. To meet this challenge, the Institute launched the MIT Task Force on the Work of the Future in spring 2018.


Project Catalogue

MIT Work for the Future
Start Date: May 2019 — End Date: Feb 2021

CREC worked closely with Dr. Elisabeth Reynolds and Dr. Paul Osterman to investigate how Detroit’s education and training delivery systems adapted to technological and pedagogical advances as well as how they contributed to equality in opportunity and social inclusion – the future of the “mobility sector”. CREC helped Dr. Paul Osterman’s research by creating an […]