Project Profile
Assessing Economic & Workforce Trends in the Fort Bragg BRAC Region
The Council for Community & Economic Research (C2ER) and the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC), working in collaboration with Trade Development Associates, conducted a industry targeting analysis that involve mapping value chains in the defense and homeland security-related industries. Using definitions provided in previous studies, the team organized the industries into groupings that represented all of the opportunities and then identified targets of particular interest to the Fort Bragg RTF.
The project also involved identifying the occupational clusters of greatest interest in those value chains to be targeted for workforce development.
About the Client
Fort Bragg Regional Task Force
The Fort Bragg Regional Alliance represents eleven counties and 73 municipalities that are planning and preparing for the significant impact on its communities due to growth and other changes originating from Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) 2005 actions in and around Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base. |