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Project Profile

Assessing the Importance of Demographic Data in Allocating Public Resources: A Report to the Arizona Growth Cabinet

Arizona Commerce Authority
Start Date: Jan 2007 — End Date: Oct 2007


The Council for Community & Economic Research (C2ER) explored how demographic estimates affect Arizona in accessing federal funds and allocating its resources.

This project involved reviewing a number of recent studies of the effects that variations that census population counts and various population estimates might have on the distribution of federal funds and state resources. The report recommended that policy leaders make the case to the state legislature that it should invest more state dollars in population estimates program because:

  1. The Census Bureau’s decennial counts and subsequent annual estimates historically have undercounted Arizona’s population
  2. The undercounted population estimates have resulted in a loss of federal funding for Arizona
  3. More accurate Decennial Census counts and DES estimates could help in more equitably distributing state shared revenues to localities;
  4. Improving Census data and DES estimates require better data inputs from Arizona partners
  5. Arizona must invest in its population estimates and projections program to improve its data inputs and methodologies.

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About the Client

Arizona Commerce Authority

The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) is an aggressive new organization that has a laser focus on recruitment of quality companies and jobs for Arizona as well as the expansion of companies already here. The ACA, formerly the Arizona Department of Commerce, has been re-created as a streamlined, business-savvy organization focused on producing results that benefit businesses and the Arizona economy.