Helping Communities Shine

Whether researching and implementing ways to shape a community's economic development plan or partnering to create ways to put people to work, CREC connects researchers and policymakers with:

     • Data training
     • Custom portfolios that aid regional competitiveness

Project Profile

Developing A Workforce Strategy for the Cedar Valley Region

Cedar Valley Regional Partnership
Start Date: Jan 2008 — End Date: Mar 2009

In partnership with the Institute for Decision Making at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, C2ER/CREC helped to facilitate a workforce strategy designed to bring together partners from the economic development, workforce development, higher education, and K-12 systems. Key partners involved in the process included the Cedar Valley Regional [Economic Development] Alliance, the Iowa at Works Workforce Investment Board, Black Hawk Community College, and the regional office of Iowa Workforce Development.

About the Client

Cedar Valley Regional Partnership

The Cedar Valley Regional Partnership is a six-county economic development marketing partnership focused on attracting business investments to Iowa. It specifically focuses on advanced manufacturing; leading logistics; food processing; agri-based biotechnology; information technology; and entrepreneurial development.