Project Profile
Developing Web Based Labor Market and Work Skills Information Tools
CREC is helping Henry Ford Community College and its partner colleges to develop a web-based platform and related training to evaluate the economic relevance and value of specific manufacturing work skills. Henry Ford Community College, based in Dearborn, Michigan, is the lead institution of a 13-member consortium of community colleges — the Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (M-SAMC) — funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL-ETA). Part of a multi-year project developed by M-SAMC, CREC has (1) developed customized web tools that responds to community colleges’ key data needs related to workforce development planning, curriculum planning, course content development, business outreach, program development, career counseling, and job development; (2) designed and conducted remote training to community colleges on the use of the web tool as well as on basic principles of web-based labor market research.
About the Client
Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (M-SAMC)
Henry Ford Community College is a comprehensive public community college serving about 18,000 students each fall and winter semester in southeast Michigan. |