TMAC is the official representative of the MEP National Network in The State of Texas. TMAC’s mission is to accelerate the profitable growth and competitiveness of companies by developing and improving products, processes, technologies and people. TMAC’s website is www.tmac.org. The MEP National Network™ is a unique public-private partnership that delivers comprehensive, proven solutions to U.S. manufacturers, fueling growth and advancing U.S. manufacturing. Focused on helping small and medium-sized manufacturers generate business results and thrive in today’s technology-driven economy, the MEP National Network comprises the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP), 51 MEP Centers located in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, and its 1,300 trusted advisors and experts at nearly 600 MEP service locations, providing any U.S. manufacturer with access to resources they need to succeed.
TMAC has contracted CREC (Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness) to complete a multi-phase study of the unique challenges Texas manufactures face as they seek to grow, and to assist TMAC improve its ability to support future expansions in Texas. CREC is an independent, not-for-profit research and economic policy institute.
In return for your participation in this survey, you have the option to receive a free customized Growth Benchmark Report that compares your answers with all other Texas manufacturers studied in this project. It will highlight how strongly your business practices align with sustained growth manufacturers in the state. This Growth Benchmark Report is designed to assist you and your management team during your strategic planning process. You will receive your Growth Benchmark Report, with no further obligations, simply by completing the survey and supplying your email address.
If you have any questions about this project or survey, please do not hesitate to contact Marty Romitti, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at CREC at mromitti@crec.net.