CREC Presents at 2015 NAWB Forum
March 29, 2015Ron Kelly, joined by Gary Crossley, Executive Director of the Workforce Information Council (WIC), and Saikou Diallo, District of Columbia Labor Market Information Director, presented on labor market information (LMI) at the 2015 National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) Forum in Washington D.C. The session was titled, Strengthening the LMI Connection through Supporting Organizations.
Labor market information includes all quantitative or qualitative data and analysis related to employment and the workforce. The goal of LMI is to help customers make informed plans, choices, and decisions for a variety of purposes, including business investment decision making, career planning and preparation, education and training offerings, job search opportunities, hiring, and public or private workforce investments.
NAWB represents approximately 600 Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) and their 12,000 business members that coordinate and leverage workforce strategies with education and economic development stakeholders within their local communities, to ensure that state and local workforce development and job training programs meet the needs of employers.